About Us


Years of Experience



“JAWAHARLAL NEHRU COMPUTER LITERACY MISSION” (JNCLM) is an Autonomous Institute Registered under The Indian Trust Act 1882, Govt. of India and an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization and approved by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. JNCLM is a member of Computer Society of India and also associated with Planning Commission, Govt. of India.

With the usage of computers and information technology increasing in leaps and bounds in our everyday life. JNCLM impart training to the student and youth not only to increase their technical knowledge but also to make them use IT in their daily life to ease their life in affordable monthly fee payment structure. Our training programs are designed to cater to future requirements in the field of satellite communication and other industries where the requirement of computer trained manpower is necessary.

The first Prime Minister LATE SHRI JAWAHARLAL NEHRU was a dream of education revolutionary and reformer. The mission is added by his name; “JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU COMPUTER LITERACY MISSION” is established.


Without limiting to a place we wanted to spread across India to make the quality of Computer education affordable within the reach of entire students and youth community which results in the youth personal development and employment and the country at large.


The mission of JNCLM is to provide innovative and useful IT training to the student community and the unemployed youth specially focusing on rural segments with affordable fees to make India Digitally literate and to make unemployed youth to employable.

Director's Message

Welcome to JNCLM!
You stand on the threshold of a completely new world. The world that opens a future, full of promise, the promise of a brilliant career. A career making decision is not just about syllabi, books, exams and results. It is all about a dream, how you want your life to be and what goals you have set for yourself. It is here, at the crossroads, that JNCLM takes you in the direction where your heart lies. The environment in the Institute is such as to stir the creative spirit of the students beyond one’s imagination and to help in the understanding of the world beyond the boundaries of learning.
At JNCLM, our students also explore new domains from the field of Information Technology apart from the conventional fields. Qualities, Skills & professionalism are ingrained in the students till they emerge as confident professional of tomorrow. JNCLM places a high premium on the overall activities like communication skill, personality development of each student. The Institute believes that every student has an innate talent that needs to be recognized, tapped & brought forth. We promise to continue this ongoing effort for overall excellence.
Welcome to the Institute, Discover yourself!


JNCLM has come with the objective to provide especially online and offline education in the field of IT education throughout the Nation. We have designed a big bunch of online and offline courses with online and offline Certification program. JNCLM is a well established IT skills training institute and we have been continuing to train a diverse range of students around the Nation successfully.

JNCLM center have a good computer lab. The computer lab contains high configurations computer network with WI-FI zone.

Registration Process

  • Examination will be conducted all round the year bas per online on demand examination procedure at your JNCLM authorized study centre.
  • The pattern of exam will be objective type which has to be answered in the online examination.
  • Question paper comprises of 50 objective question form each module and each question carries 1 marks. The online examination screen would comprise of five pages having 10 question on each page. The Students can scroll back and forward for the questions before finally submitting the answered. eg. A students appearing for last Semester of MD-COM course, having four modules the question paper will contain 200 objective based question.
  • Details I. e. dates of examination, timings / session will be according to the time when the examination form was filled up. An windows off 10 days would be open after filling examination form for the students to commence for the examination. After that the students has to fill the examination form again and also has to pay exam fees again.
  • The duration of examination will be 30 Minutes per paper.
  • Practical Exam. Will carry total 100 Marks, 80marks for Lab Practice & 20 Marks for Viva .
  • A Students can apply for transfer of authorized JNCLM centre.
  • The candidate has to send an application stating the place for which transfer has been asked., and also he has to submit No Objection Certificate ( NOC ) form the authorized study centre.
  • The application has to be send to the Head Office duly forwarded by the centre director ( for the Transfer from, contact your centre director ).

A student registered for any course is entitled for an up gradation to any other course but no change of course is allowed.For this, he/she has to contact to the centre Director of the JNCLM authorized centre .Then he/she has to fill a fresh application form attached with the prospectus ( The same application form is applicable for fresh/upgradation) clearly mentioning his/her previous details (Registration No., Course ) and also the course they are interested for. In that case, a students is required to submit the form along with the following :-

  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Fee of the upgraded course in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Jawaharal Nehru Computer Literacy Mission Payable at Kota.
  • Original copy of certificate issued by JNCLM at the completion of the course. ( For Students who have already received their certificate).
  • For course upgradation Rs. 150/- will be charge extra as processing charge.
  • Irrespective of age and position, the student is expected to maintain appropriate relation with the management & Staff.
  • The students when asked to meet the management with parent /Guardian Should follow the instructions strictly.
  • The management expects the students cooperation while taking any step to ensure a good career path for them.
  • Students should carry the identity Card endorsed by the H.O. at all times within the centre premises.
  • The students must attend all the theory and lab sessions regularly.
  • Proper discipline has to be maintained within the centre premises. Any students found misbehaving will be restricted form attending the class.
  • This Prospectus is not refundable under any circumstances.
  • Though the prospectus is purchased from one place, submission and registration can be done at any of the JNCLM authorized study centres nationwide.
  • Verify the authorization of the study centre by the “Affiliation Certificate” issued to the centre by H. O. before submitting the application form.
  • Students should always demand for the receipt of any payment (Made in terms of DD). The receipt should bear the authorized signature and seal of authorized study centre.
  • The JNCLM H.O. retains the right to affect any changes in the above process/clauses for better operation of JNCLM organization and of ASC-JNCLM. This will be binding on all ASC’S and students.

Our Amazing Students